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Testimonial with video and read more

Your testimonial comes here. You can copy it from a word document also.

When potential customers are researching you online, they’re getting to know you by way of the content of your website. Understandably, many of them might be skeptical or hesitant to trust you right away.

To prove the value of what you have to offer, why not let your happy customers do the talking?

Your testimonial page serves as a platform to show off how others have benefited from your product or service, making it a powerful tool for establishing trust and encouraging potential buyers to take action.

What Is a Testimonial?

First, let’s have a little vocabulary lesson. Google’s dictionary definition of testimonial is “a formal statement testifying to someone’s character and qualifications.” These usually come from customers, colleagues, or peers who have benefitted from or experienced success as a result of the work you did for them.

But effective testimonials go beyond a simple quote that proclaims your greatness. They need to resonate with your targeted audience, and the people who could also potentially benefit from the work you do in the future. That’s why great testimonials also tell a story — one that inspires and motivates the people reading it.

Types of Testimonials

There are many different ways a business can display customer testimonials — And when determining the best approach for your business it’s important to keep in mind that different formats and mediums can have varying effects on your target audience. You’ll want to use a format that’s viewable for your potential leads and aligns closely with their values. To help give you an idea of how testimonials can be portrayed, below are 10 testimonial types that you can use to show off your customers’ stories.

1. Quote

Quote testimonials are ads or artwork that display positive statements made about your company from a brand evangelist or a highly satisfied customer. The quote is usually accompanied by an image of the person being quoted to make the message feel more relatable to the target audience.

Quote testimonials demonstrate support for your product or feature from a user who has experience with it. This can be significantly more effective than traditional advertising methods as most consumers will trust a peer more than a paid actor. By using the voice of your loyal customers to advocate on behalf of your brand, you can build strong credibility with potential leads.

2. Video

In a world where everyone is carrying around a small computer in their pocket, it’s no surprise that video has become one of the most popular ways to consume content. In fact, Copypress reports that 52% of the world’s marketing professionals believe that video has the best ROI compared to any other type of content. This is because video uses a combination of visual images and audio to tell a captivating brand story that motivates viewers.

Videos are also rapidly shared and have the potential to go viral if the content is compelling enough. Brands like Dollar Shave Club have achieved tremendous success from releasing light-hearted videos that became internet sensations overnight. While you may not strike gold every time with your videos, one good piece of content can quickly make all the failed ones worthwhile.

3. Audio

Audio is similar to video in how it can influence and motivate your audience. The great benefit of audio, though, is that it’s a cost-effective way for your brand to create compelling content. To make audio testimonials you don’t need a full production crew and tons of expensive equipment. You only need a microphone, recording software, and a quiet room to record in. With those tools, you can tell an inspiring customer story just by threading different customer quotes together in one track.

Another benefit of audio content is that it can be easily shared and consumed by your customers. Unlike video, audio clips can be listened to in almost any setting and also take less memory and data to upload and share. If executed correctly, audio testimonials can be just as effective as video but produced at a fraction of the cost.

4. Case Study

A case study is an in-depth analysis of an individual customer’s experience with your company. These pieces tend to use a more scientific approach to prove how your business played a role in the customer’s success. Case studies often use facts and observations to demonstrate how certain products or services benefited actual customers of your business.

One of the best benefits of case study testimonials is that it provides a potential lead with a complete customer story. This is great for B2B companies who are trying to convince an entire business to buy their product or service. Leads can read the example customer story and compare it to their situation to see if your company will fulfill their needs.